Here are commonly used phone numbers that may be useful to you: Training Facilities Kanosak Canine Training: (800) 320-4335 or (800) 899-4335 Huckleberry's: (815) 899-3435 TAILS Humane Society: (815) 75T-AILS (758-2457)
Wildlife Centers Oaken Acres Wildlife: (815) 895-9666 Fox Valley Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (Elburn): (630) 365-3800
Animal Poison Control Center: (888) 426-4435
Adoption Facilities and Shelters Tri-County: (815) 288-7387 Anderson: (847) 697-2881 Winnebago: (815) 877-3073 Ringwood: (815) 728-1462 Cat Safari: (815) 756-9174 TAILS: (815) 75T-AILS ADOPT: (630) 355-2299 RAIN: (815) 286-3042
Animal Control Agencies Dekalb County: (815) 748-2427 Kane County: (630) 232-3555 Ogle County: (815) 732-3201
Grooming Facilities Huckleberry's Pet Parlor (Sycamore): (815) 899-3435 4 Paws Grooming (Dekalb): (815) 758-3317 *dogs only Cindy's Suds N Scissors (Maple Park): (815) 827-3430 *dogs only Canine Creations (Sycamore): (815) 895-5650 *dogs and cats Bed and Biscuit: (815) 895-5255 *dogs and cats Kathy's K-9 Cottage: (815) 756-6460 *dogs only Boarding Facilities Bed and Biscuit: (815) 895-5255 Countryside Pet Motel: (815) 758-3074 Exotic Animal Hospitals Midwest Bird and Exotic Animal Hospital (Westchester): (708) 453-8181 Indian Prairie Animal Hospital (Naperville): (630) 820-6999 Hillcrest Animal Hospital (Rockford): (815) 398-9313 Home Euthanasia Services
Peaceful Endings for Pets: 630-205-4275 /